You said: Parents said, that they would like earlier notice of when their child’s attendance was below school target. So that they had greater chance to do something about it before being asked to attend an attendance meeting.

We did: We have sent all pupils (regardless of reason) a simple awareness letter if attendance is below 95%. We are also looking to implement new data Apps to enable parents opportunity to check this data at any time. This is hopefully to be in place Spring 2022.


In our latest parent forum you reviewed the school website: You said: it was difficult to find your child’s Twitter username @QRA_2025.

We updated the Twitter username to include cohort and Year group @QRA_2025Y2 for easy access.

You said: real life skills to be taught in school
We did: PSHE curriculum redesigned to incorporate real life skills
You said:  children to learn how to budget
We did: budgeting sessions delivered to Y6 by CAPS professionals
Budgeting sessions planned for parents at QRA on 17th, 24th and 31st March

 Our previous you said, we did 

You said, ‘Specific homework was inconsistent in quantity and quality’.

We did: As a result, we have decided to have standard ‘packs’ for both spelling and Maths for next year

Parent forum:

You asked: To ensure that all pupils presented themselves in full school uniform, You suggested, ‘parents to donate good conditioned uniform at the end of the year to be purchased by other parents’. 

As a result, we have advertised for used uniform in good condition to be donated and purchased  (voluntary contribution) if required at the end of school year.

You said: You wanted more time for children to learn their spellings.

We did: We now give out spellings on Thursday to be tested the following Thursday.

You said: You not only wanted spelling results but spellings your child had got wrong….

We did: We have created a sheet with the requested information. It is stuck in front of your child’s homework book.

You said: 2 parents expressed that we did not always take account of your suggestions and concerns.

We did: This web page YOU SAID – WE DID, is part of our resolve to reassure parents, students and anyone else in our school community that we listen and respond to any concerns you may have.

You said: That there was not enough notice for up coming events.

We did: We have worked through the school diary and input all proposed events onto the events page on the website.

You said: It was unfair that nursery children could not attend the breakfast club.

We did: Put this forward to the school Governors, who passed it.  Nursery children can now attend breakfast club.

Over the recent Year we have now established the use of Parent view text service to parents. We frequently use this to inform parents relating to trips, family/SEND meetings and weather conditions in winter.


Pupils, staff and parents were asked about what would improve the playground and lunchtime offer. The responses as reported to governors were linked to making lunch less of a canteen and more like a mealtime. In addition to improving play equipment that was cheap and being thrown away.  – We now have lifted behaviour expectations at mealtime so children talk to one another politely, new plates and trays are purchased for after the Easter break. A new menu is being implemented with improved fresh food and introduction of a salad bar offer each day.  We have quotes from a number of providers and are looking to place an order to build a trim trail and additional fixed playtime activities

A number of visitors reported to our office staff nice comments relating to the welcome and politeness of the pupils. We had a complaints procedure but not a compliments book.  We are now pleased to receive compliments and have made a new log of these to share with governors. It is always great to receive a nice compliment 🙂

A parent asked us if it was possible to obtain the weekly events update on her phone as parents would like this. We are pleased to launch the new QRA school App that will do exactly this and you can download this for free from the App store.

We can see children are accessing homework in the new more flexible way, but some parents told us that they liked the additional activities we once sent home as worksheets. We have invested in a home learning website and paid for each child of our school to access additional learning opportunities. The children click on the link on the class web page on this website. Let us know if they like it.