Pupil Premium funding is money which comes from the government depending on how many children in school are eligible for free school meals or are ‘looked after’. In 2020-2021 Queens Road Academy was allocated a total of £104206 pupil premium funding.
This extra funding is aimed at improving life chances for children from less advantaged backgrounds including raising their levels in reading, writing and maths.
In 2020-21, 32% of Queens Road Academy pupils were eligible for pupil premium allocation, compared with national average (2021) of 22%.(FSM)
The governing body asks the head teacher annually what the money has been spent on and what difference it has made, in addition to reviewing the progress of these pupils each term.
“The pupil premium funding is used effectively to provide additional, well-thought-out activities that support disadvantaged pupils successfully in their work and are helping to close the gaps between their attainment and that of other pupils nationally.” OFSTED April 2015
The school tracks the amount of progress free school meals children make in all year groups.
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
Pupil Premium funding is an amount of money received by schools based upon the number of pupils at the school eligible for FSM and children who are looked after and children who have a parent in the Armed Forces.
Key Principles
- To promote the welfare and well-being of all pupils
- To provide professional development to enable staff to provide high quality teaching and learning (both class and intervention).
- To develop further the quality of the wider curriculum ensuring it is broad, balanced, and challenging; reflects our community and meets the needs of all of our learners.
Our Principles and Provision – How does it work?
Simply spending money on children does not necessarily improve their learning or their aspirations. If pupil premium is to succeed, the choices the school makes in allocating the money are vital so that the funding can raise pupil attainment and aspirations. The money needs to be, after consultation with staff, as part of a strategic approach to raising standards across the school, providing better opportunities academically, as well as developing life, work and personal skills to give them the best chance of a successful future.
At Queens Road we use Pupil Premium funding to enable us to provide a number of different interventions and whole-class strategies which impact, both directly and indirectly, by providing additional support for pupils highlighted by the government as needing it most.
Future Spend action outline
- Holistic support for vulnerable pupils to maximise pupil well being
- For all disadvantaged pupils in school to make or exceed nationally expected progress rates.
- Teachers maintain high skill levels through ongoing CPD access
- To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils
The senior leadership team will report termly to the Governing Body on the use and impact of the Pupil Premium Grant.
Simon Kaufman (Head Teacher)