Cycle A 2020/21
Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Farm to fork
Spring 1
Route 66
Spring 2
Summer 1
War of the Roses
Summer 2
Pride & Prejudice
Cycle B 2021/22
Autumn 1
Greece Lightning
Autumn 2
Spring 1
Ni Hao
Spring 2
Coal not dole
Summer 1
Extreme Earth
Summer 2
Crime & Punishment
Religious Education Curriculum Statement
Queens Road Academy
At Queens Road Academy we believe that RE has an important part to play in promoting the spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development of our pupils and in helping them to gain a greater understanding of themselves and a more sympathetic awareness of the needs of others. This enables pupils to be better equipped to cope with the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. To promote the ideas of our school vision we believe that education in RE should be a child centred, exciting journey. Children will learn to understand the world and their place in it, know that all members of the school community show respect and tolerance for others and develop a better cultural awareness. Children will have the opportunity to reflect and develop their spiritual awareness. Thinking skills will be developed through childled philosophical discussions and reflection opportunities.
Legal Requirements
At Queens Road Academy, RE is taught within the Barnsley agreed syllabus for Religious Education. RE must be provided for all registered pupils, but parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons. The Educational Reform Act (1988) states that ‘RE must reflect the fact that religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of other principal religions represented in the country’. The Barnsley Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education meets the above requirements.
RE at Queens Road Academy
The school’s starting points are the two Attainment Targets in the agreed syllabus:
- To develop knowledge and understanding of different religions – Learning About Religion
- To explore and respond to human experience – Learning From Religion
At Queens Road Academy, we aim to help pupils to acquire and develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain: Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam.
At Christmas and Easter, all classes from FS2- Y6 explore why these festivals are special to Christians. We have taken a developmental approach to planning this curriculum, to ensure that pupils build upon their previous learning each year and explore the festivals from different aspects.
Other Religions
Key stage 1 will study Hinduism.
Lower Key Stage 2 will study Islam
Upper Key Stage 2 will study Buddhism.
These religions will be explored through key questions as set out in the locally agreed syllabus. (See long term plan for details.)
In addition to taught sessions, Queens Road Academy recognises religious festivals as they happen, through assemblies. (Further details of this can be found on the assembly overview.)
Christmas Curriculum
Unit: Christianity | Year 6: Different Accounts of Christmas |
Learn: To explore and know that accounts of the birth of Jesus are found in the New Testament. Learn: About how Matthew and Luke tell their stories from different points of view. (Literacy link- differing perspectives on an event.) |
Reflect: Upon why people have different points of view. Reflect: Upon whether one of the Gospels must be wrong, and if so how would we know which one? |
Easter Curriculum
Unit: Christianity | Year 6: Who was Jesus? |
Learn: To discuss what we know about the life and character of Jesus. (Link to Gospel stories) Learn: To explore how the life of Jesus is relevant today. |
Reflect: Upon ultimate questions associated with Easter. |