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Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) is a national accredited award that helps school to work in partnership with all parents and carers.

The LPPA provides a coherent framework for us to follow and deliver effective parental engagement in our school. It is our school ethos that we want the very best and it has been proven that effective and positive parent/carer partnerships can have a lasting impact.

The award is expected to be achieved within a maximum of 12-15 months and we started the award process in September 2022. Thank you to the parents who provide us with regular feedback which gives us an indication of what’s working well and what needs improving.

The Covid pandemic had a serious impact on the opportunities we were able to offer parents/carers in school as safeguarding our pupils and staff became the priority. However, we have reintroduced lots of activities and opportunities such as library sessions, parents meetings, learning sharing afternoons, health and well-being fayre to name a few.

Parents/carers can help us to achieve the award by: attending all events in school, reading all letters, newsletters and completing any questionnaires and feedback forms we send out.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support with your child’s education.

If you have any questions, suggestions or want to know more, please contact .

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Karan

LPPA champion